Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Prayers...yeah our God answers them!

So wow! I am amazed by God sometimes and as I type this I get chills just thinking of how faithful he is! So Monday morning I wake up scared out of my mind...first day of college classes...who wouldn't be scared? Anyway I open my Bible and just start to read, but sometimes you just sense God saying put down your Bible and talk to me and listen to me! So I got down on my knees and started praying...with tears coming down I asked God "please Lord give me one new friend who is madly in love with you as well...please just give me one Lord I need it!" The thing that amazed me was I asked for amigo (friend). So monday morning I walk out of my dorm room a confident girl walking hand in hand with my savior Jesus knowing that He would give me ONE friend. How many friends do I make in the first day? Well tons but God gave me Haley Dillman and Hannah Bostardi who loveee Him soo much and I can tell we are going to be best friends! How many do they introduce me to...a couple...and then they tell me about house many people do we meet at house church....soooooooo many! You see we ask God for things that are give me 1 me to touch one person...and we generally trust that prayer. BUT what if we ask for big things and trust those completely...will He not do big things? It says in scripture that if we ask according to His will he will do it! Or with faith as small as a mustard seed we can move mountains. So I just wanna challenge you today pray big prayers fully believing that Jesus is so capable of answering! He is our Provider as Haley reminded me. He wants to Provide for you.

And mom and update for you school is swell I am doing my homework and yes I have a lot! Buying books is stinky but everyone has gotta do it! College classes are actually interesting cause the teachers love what they are teaching...imagine that! Anyway off to do some hw! Love you all!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Three Amigos!

So today was soooo fun! Me jacqueline and emily hung out all day! did i mention that i am sooo happy i have them here to get me through everyday! So anyway we went to emily's g-ma's today which is on the was for her birthday..gotta love bubbie and george! So basically we got up went to the lake house  (only a 45 min drive from college) and hung at the lake all day...soaking up the sun! The one thing i realized though was that pontoon boats are pretty slow but you have to respect them cause they gave us some good laughs! After dinner we headed back to homeee...which is GCSU (weird to call it that but yay!)

We got home and there was a college fair going on so we walked in our door and then turned around to go find out about the different clubs and stuff here! we walked in the gym and there were about 1,000,000 tables set up to tell us all about all the dif ministries and clubs and stuff. So we walked around and i found a bunch that I liked. I joined so many christian things...which is such an exciting thing because i can make some friends who LOVEEEE JESUS!!! :) I have stuff all next week with the christian church hopping I go!

After that Joey Gilkey (jacqueline's bf) arrived and we all hung in jac's room for a little. When we all got hungry we decided to hit up Quizno's. Milledgeville is a small little town but you manage to make your ouwn fun...which can sometime be hard if you don't drink or do drugs...but i wouldn't wanna do that anyway..not for me! So we all just drove around and laughed our head off! Finally we got back and hung in me and em's room where some very funny thing happened! Lets just say college is full of new experiances lol!

We decided to go to a black baptist church tomorrow and get our soul on! can i get an AMEN! I am really excited! Well I miss you all! To let you all know I am having so much more fun and am not home or friend sick as much! however I still think about you all a ton! loveeeeee

and an extra shout out to Jesus for answering all my prayers and  helping me find some Christian Ministries..our God is gooooood!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Are we really in college?

So i would first of all like to say that i feel like i should still be in highschool....i honestly cannot believe that I am a bitty grown up (which means kinda independent...i still need ya mom and daddy). Anyway today was move in day and it took foreverrrr, but we had tons of help from the strickland's and griffith's..good turn out! Emily Strickland and I are roomies and we are loving it..a little lonely at first but you cant expect to meet the whole campus on the first day!

Our room is soo cute who knew my mom was a designer! I will hopefully post a pic soon! Anyway Emily and I went to dinner with the people from our hall and we had fun lol with just a bit of awkwardness! The one thing we all had in common though was all of our clothes were covered in sweat from walking in the 110 degree weather...gotta love it!

Emily and I are most excited for the wesley foundation stuff...we have Bible study Monday and an ice cream social on Wed...yay fellowship! I cannot wait to meet some people that love JESUS soooo much and also share His good news with sooo many people. So if you are reading this then please pray for the people around our room that we can be a huge light for Christ and serve those around us all for His glory!

I miss you soooo much already. Being here let's me see how much of an impact you have/had on my life! I thought of all of you multiple times today and I am soo thankful that the memories that I have made with so many people came with me! I will be back Labor Day weekend and cannot wait to tell you all I have done and hear your stories!


prayers needed please! thanks.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time for College

So I am still processing everything that happened this summer...imagine that! I just wanted to let you guys know that I am still going to be using this blog and soon I am going to be uploading some photos and videos of Honduras! I have been really busy with college junk and haven't had time to write about my last week in Honduras which was my fave so I am going to being doing that! Also once college starts I will write about my college adventures...which should be very interesting because I always run in to stupid situations! I leave Thursday so next blog will come prob a couple days after that!

loveeeee :)